Oompa, loompa, doopity doo
You know you are getting older when you see teenagers wearing things that you used to wear in the 80s. It’s been an ongoing theme this week for me. I don’t know what scares me more: the thought of pumped hair or the thought of acid wash making its return. It’s a tough call. I will most definitely NOT get on the boat when pegging your already too tight pants comes back in full force. When you can’t breathe while sitting down for most of the 80s, it kind of scars you.Going to Maui next week with the girls: Cuckoo, Mrs. Sellner, and MP. Wearing an engagement ring has brought on all these new, random, thoughts that I never had to entertain before. Does wearing one’s sparkly engagement ring while surfing increase the risk of attracting a hungry shark’s attention? How many lost engagement rings are floating about in the sea? Does wearing a diamond increase drag and therefore decrease the efficiency of one’s paddle on the left hand side? How badly would I feel if I lost this thing while in the ocean? I may just leave the ring (aka “My Precious”) at home to spare myself any potential trauma.
Since TBF and I are getting hitched I guess he’s now TF (The Fiancee.) Last night TF and I watched “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” in preparation for a trip to the Shcarffen Berger Chocolate factory this weekend. I don’t know if our research will do us any good –there might be a slim chance of seeing the Shcarrfen Berger chocolate river and waterfall (or Oompa Loompas for that matter) but one can always hope for the best.