Thursday, April 08, 2004

Before this river becomes an ocean ...

I finished my final draft of a feature story I’ve been working on for the past month last night. The final draft was the tenth revision of it. I love writing and I consider it to be the one thing that I can do reeeeally well (okay, okay, I’m really great at pretending to be busy at my cube. I’m also really great at eating, being bossy, and making faces at people when they turn around.) It is such a reality check to have to actually WORK at it. I’ve put in over 60 hours on this project, and chances are I won’t get paid for it. I guess this is my definition of faith - when you’ll do something knowing that there may be nothing on the other end, but always hoping for the best.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Let's go surfing now, everybody's learning how

I'm at work, and somebody in the adjacent room just muttered the words "naked republican." "Naked republican" replaces "projectile poop" as the new title holder of the RANDOM THINGS SAID AROUND MY CUBICLE award.

I'm still exhausted today because of the time change to daylight savings. My crankiness level is being kept in check, though, cause I'm leaving for Hawaii in 11 days! I took the ferry home yesterday and as I looked out on the ocean I started salivating at the thought of surfing in warm water.

When ever I tell people that I surf I always have to add on the qualifier that there is actually more falling down than there is surfing happening. There's no cool stuff in my surfing repertoire; I've never ridden a tube, or gotten agro on somebody trying to snake me. The words "double overhead" instill fear, not excitement. I still can't wait, though.
Falling in warm water is actually very pleasant.

Waikiki is fun because when you are a beginner like me and you happen to catch a wave your ride goes on FOREVER. You coast on your board for what seems an eternity, and when you hop (or in my case fall) off you are so psyched ... that two hours you spent falling or fruitlessly trying catch waves is not for nothing. Your mind goes, "Yeah! Yeah! I'm a rock star!" and then you look back and see how far you have to paddle back out again. The last time I was in Hawaii I learned how to turn! It was so great. I FINALLY caught a wave and stood up on my board. As I was riding it in I was faced with the choice of either colliding into two Japanese girls stuck inside some innertubes or turn around them. So, I turned.

Even though it hasn't started yet I am already sad about vacation being over and coming back to this cube. *sigh* If you've got Hawaii on the brain here is one of my favorite websites, the Live Cam that points at the Duke Kahanamoku statue in Waikiki:


Desperation is the supreme motivator! (We got the tickets.) Vegas, here we come ...