Monday, October 17, 2005

I'm willing and able so I throw my cards on your table

I got my hair done this weekend by the lovely Dara Roberts. Curly haired folks take note: get thee to Dara asap. She works wonders with curls, is really meticulous about color, and is an all around cool person to talk to. I should know – I was there for 5 hours while she was transforming my hair from beach bum pseudo-surfer girl to 1940s brunette wavy starlet. Dara told me about this interesting exercise that I’m going to try this week. Every morning, write a short list of short term and long term goals. That way, you can see what you want to accomplish. Having it in print makes it that much more legitimate. Some examples:

Long term goals
1. Become a freelance writer and all around ass kicker
2. Achieve inner peace (yeah, yeah, yeah – laugh all you want. Nobody says the goals actually have to be attainable)
3. Make out with Christian Bale (see above)

Short term goals
1. To blog every day this week
2. To refrain from making weird faces and/or rolling my eyes at people who tax my patience
3. To get at least three queries out so that I can emancipate myself from the mental slavery that is my day job (Thanks, Bob. You got me through last week)

Try it this week, and let me know if it works for you.

Saturday was Mrs. Sellner’s 30th birthday bash blowout! You know you’re getting old when you attend your best friend’s 16th birthday party AND her 30th birthday party. Yikes. Mrs. Sellner is part of the musical theater crowd, and somehow her birthday party devolved from a house party into a karaoke nightmare of falsetto notes in songs like “You’ve lost that loving feeling.” Half of the Miss Saigon cast was there and most of the guys who played American GIs hit on TF, who is not only a fountain of random marital arts knowledge, but also a magnet for gay men within a one mile radius. If Armageddon ever came and we were forced as a household to survive by trading bodily favors as currency, I know that we could survive by taking TF’s bum to the Castro. I think I’d be a rather successful (and stunning) pimp.

Yesterday I went to Rodeo beach in the Marin headlands. So fun! Being at the beach makes me itchy to get into a body of water. Lovely readers, if any of you are headed on over to some place with a bathwater temperature ocean, please give me a ring. I will gladly pack myself into your carry on luggage so that I can swim in an ocean without a sausagey wet suit.


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