Got my mojo working
Fall has arrived! The leaves across the street are starting to turn yellow, and I can no longer here kids playing outside during the day. OH…and the fact that it’s been overcast/gray/generally yucky for the past two weeks is also a big indicator that summer, like Elvis, has left the building. I sometimes can’t believe that Le Husband and I think about moving to Portland, because although I love having that marine layer to keep things cooler, I don’t know if I could hang with having so many gray days.It’s been a productive writing week. I’m doing a Hawaii travel story, which I’m really excited about, and I’ve been pretty good about staying on task. I think one of the hardest things about freelancing is constantly fighting the temptation to tool about. Writing is fun if it’s just crazy-free-form-babble-blog writing, but when you have to think about AP style and transitions and active voice it can lose some of the fun. I’m not complaining though. There are a lot of people out there who would love to get paid for doing something they actually like to do.
This weekend I’m going to be working at home on the travel story and perhaps going to brunch with my awesome friend from my college days, Ms. C. Maybe I’ll get the chance to go to a movie with El Husband tonight. Should be lovely and mellow…last weekend we went to Disneyland and I gotta say: you know when you are getting old when you go to Disneyland and your feet hurt like all hell the day after and you have to take three Advil to be semi-functional. I can’t remember any sort of bodily pain the day after Disneyland when I was a kid! They’ve got a few new rides and my favorite was Buzz Lightyear. It’s interactive. You get a laser zapper and you have to zap stuff. At the end, you can see a picture of yourself during the ride and you can e-mail it to yourself! Ours was really funny; we looked like we were trying to do our best Mulder and Scully with our laser zappers up in the air. And sorry, Pirates of the Carribean fans – Disney has changed the ride in the wake of the movie. Now it kinda sucks. Pirates used to be my favorite ride, but now they have all these random references to Jack Sparrow throughout the ride every two minutes and it just doesn’t make any sense.
The morning is almost over and I’ve got to get cracking. Maybe today will be the day when I write that perfectly clear sentence …
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